What Doctors Don't Know About Breastfeeding Book


Book Review

breastfeeding, Jack Newman, book, doctors, support, new mom

What Doctors Don't Know About Breastfeeding 

by Jack Newman, MD, IBCLC, FRCPC
Andrea Polokova, MA, IBCLC

Another solid check into the win column for Jack with his latest book! 

A lot of people don't realize that most doctors are not educated in breastfeeding when they go to medical school. I know that when started my lactation medicine studies, after I was done my personal breastfeeding journey, I was stunned to learn that it isn't even on any mandatory curriculum for doctors to learn even the basics.

Full disclosure, I did most of my clinical training at the Newman Breastfeeding Center & Institute and know Jack personally, so I have a bit of a bias when it comes to his knowledge and expertise.

This book was one that I was hoping that would be written. I can say for certain that each and every doctor and midwife that came through to learn about breastfeeding while I was at the clinic over 18 months would say the same.

Jack and Andrea make it easy for everyone to refer to their book for any breastfeeding concerns they might have. A must read for all everyone in the lacation world, especially doctors!

I would love to hear your thoughts on it too.


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