Magical Milk
Magical Milk
by Nasheeda Pollard, IBCLC
Illustrated by Katura Gains
Book Type Picture
Ages 4-7
Do you have a new baby coming home who will be breastfeeding? Are looking to share a book with a child that is going to have a new baby brother or sister that will be nursing?
This book is a lovely choice to share the wonders of breastmilk with younger children in the home.
I am thrilled that once again an IBCLC has written a book that should be shared with anyone who has young children at home and that they expect to breastfeed or are already breastfeeding a baby.
When I saw the title, Magical Milk, I was brought back to when I was learning all about what breastmilk can and does do, how it changes and evolved as needed and thought this was the perfect title! Plus all children love magic.
The illustrations are gorgeous and the facts inside, including expressing milk with a breast pump were a pleasant surprise. This book really does a fantastic job of normalizing breastfeeding.
Looking for other picture books that normalize breastfeeding? Here are that we have posted about:
There is also a great board book as well
We will be adding more so be sure to check back!
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